It’s time for a list!: English Stereotypes

5 British myths and stereotypes and where I suspect they originated.  Also, Are they true?

1. Fog

Of course, I only spent 6 months living in England, and am by no means an expert on meteorology or England. I must say, however, that it is ridiculous that people think London is constantly coated in fog.  Yes, there is a brand named after it, and countless movies from Bedknobs and Broomsticks to several of the Holmes’ adaptations have led us (us being Americans in this case) to believe that the entire place is filled with dense white misty stuff.  I suspect Charles Dickens is actually the culprit behind this stereotype.  J’accuse, Charles Dickens! May I present, Exhibit A, an excerpt from the 1853 novel, Bleak House:

Fog everywhere. Fog up the river, where it flows among green aits and meadows; fog down the river, where it rolls defiled among the tiers of shipping, and the waterside pollutions of a great (and dirty) city. Fog on the Essex marshes, fog on the Kentish heights. Fog creeping into the cabooses of collier-brigs; fog lying out on the yards, and hovering in the rigging of great ships; fog drooping on the gunwales of barges and small boats. Fog in the eyes and throats …

It goes on like this for another 4 or 5 sentences. I think this may have something to do with the stereotype! In reality, London was never foggy.  It was, however, incredibly polluted during Victorian times, mostly because of the reliance on coal for fires and for lanterns. The water and air were incredibly polluted, and it is said that you could barely see out your window at midday because of it.  Think Los Angeles, but worse.  Smog, not fog.  But now, it’s actually a really beautiful clear city, in my opinion. If you want to see some footage of just how gorgeous it can be, particularly on the South Bank, I recommend the movie Last Chance Harvey. I watch it whenever I am missing London, because it features some incredible footage of the city and captures the beauty of a walk along the Thames. It’s also a great movie.

2. Tea

Of course, the English do drink tea. And they do drink quite a bit more than we do. As late as maybe twenty years ago, it was quite difficult to find a coffee shop in a lot of places in England, or so I’m told. But Americans seem to have an idea that drinking tea means sitting down in the afternoon for little cucumber sandwiches and a fresh brewed pot on a silver tea set, possibly served by a butler. The real story of tea services is quite different than the stereotype.  There were different types of ‘tea’, which could be a full meal in itself (high tea) or a light snack to fill the long hours between luncheon and dinner (afternoon tea).  The stereotype we have of a tea break would have been accurate about 100 years ago, and only among the upper-echelons of society. Today, however, the tea break is just like our coffee break in the States. There are no butlers, no silver tea trays, and (sadly) they often use tea bags instead of loose-leaf tea.  You can still get an old-fashioned tea service in lots of restaurants and hotels. I had one at the National Gallery, and it was fucking delicious (pardon me, I get foul-mouthed when describing delicious foods), to be honest. Fabulous sandwiches, cakes, great tea (or a choice of champagne), and the miracle that is scones with clotted cream. Highly recommended, I can see why the rich liked this snack so much!

3. Rain!

I will utilize, for this, a paraphrased quote from Stephen Fry during his trip round the states. He was driving through a (let’s be honest, not that bad) rainstorm in Kentucky or somewhere near it, and said “You know what gauls me when the weather’s like this? People say ‘Well, it must make you feel right at home’.  We don’t get rain like this! This is preposterous. We get a nice steady English drizzle.”

As I said above, I was only in England for 6 months, and I am led to believe it was a particularly mild Spring.  So take my experiences, with a grain of salt, but I must say I found the weather there wonderful! It did rain often, but only for short stretches and never very heavy. I don’t think I saw a single thunderstorm, nor felt the strong winds I associate with a good Nor’easter. I live in Philadelphia normally, and it’s not a city known for the rain, but the storms here seem to me just as common and at least thrice as dreadful. In fact, London was milder and warmer than a winter in Philly, with far less snow than we’ve had the last few years, despite London being quite a bit farther North. And the common (but quiet) rain they get leaves everything lush and green and gorgeous. Don’t believe me?

4. Terrible food

How are you doing in England? Remember, an elevator is called a lift, a mile is called a kilometer, and botulism is called steak and kidney pie.–Marge Simpson

My grandmother often told me that she wanted to go to England one day, but my grandfather had such terrible memories of English food during the war, that he refused to ever go back.  Let’s be honest, English food from 1930 through the 60s or 70s was pretty dreadful. Rationing was far more severe and lasted much longer than here in the US.

  I would guess that had a profound effect on the development of cuisine during that time period. The traditional English food revolves around a lot of meat and fresh produce. But with rationing, a large percentage of the population had to live without basic staples (milk, eggs, etc). and produce was hard to come by.

Certainly, as a vegetarian, I can’t eat almost any of the traditional British dishes. Nor would I want to, as I value my health. More modern innovations, like the deep-fried mars bar, aren’t much better. I cannot and would not deny that a lot of traditional and well-known British foods are either disgusting, or unhealthy, or both.  But what I want to emphasize is that those dishes are not very often eaten anymore. Curry is now the most popular dish in England, and as the country became more cosmopolitan (well, mostly in London) international cuisine has become more popular than traditional English fare.

Of course, there is a lot of very unhealthy, dreadful food in England, and their obesity rates are similar to ours. But the idea that it is the same food that people think of (haggis, spotted dick,  boiled veggies), is ridiculous. I suppose it is similar to people believing that American food is all burgers and hot dogs, when every kind of cuisine under the sun can be found by those who care to look.

5. Bad Teeth

I have to say that in some cases this one is true. But, as with a lot of these stereotypes, this idea seems to revolve around truths from half a century ago. Before (again, I’m guessing, based on my own observations) the 60s or 70s, Dental care did seem to be lacking, particularly in terms of orthodontia. I know fluoride toothpaste was not available until the 1970s, and But I found that anyone under 30 seemed to have straight, healthy teeth.

Whiteness is another story, and I’ve seen quite a few examples of the British finding us vain and superficial for spending money and time to make our teeth supernaturally white.

Of course, there are other stereotypes I could tackle, but this will do for now. I find anyone that uses these stereotypes, that actually thinks they are accurate, quite ignorant. They seem to, for the most part, come from men like my grandfather, who brought home miserable stories of a miserable land. I certainly wouldn’t have wanted to visit England from about 1915 to 1960, because it was a bleak place indeed. But that is not the England I found when I visited it in this century.

17 responses to “It’s time for a list!: English Stereotypes

  1. Pingback: Reading Digest: Frozen Electoral Fraud Edition « Dead Homer Society

  2. As a British person I would like to know what you count as bad British food as I think it is all amazing!!!!!

    • Well, as I said in the post, I can’t eat a lot of it because I’m a vegetarian. But blood sausage, black pudding, and steak and kidney pie come to mind as the least appetizing options. Deep fried mars bars are equally gross. I think any cuisine can be done well, but a lot of what makes British food stereotypically bad is because the recipes came about in a time when fresh ingredients were hard to come by and people were standing in line with their ration books to get that weeks’ supply of horse meat. I would however, like to say that I love mushy peas, beans on toast, and Cornish pasties.

  3. Pingback: American stereotypes, according to the British | britishaisles

  4. I’d say for the Fog and Rain that’s only true in Londpn, up North it’s much, much worse and although fog isn’t that common, it does happen a bit, while rain is much colder, heavier, more common and lasts a lot longer. Also, I did have a quick look at (two) Kentuck Rainstorms on youtube, and it was not at all as bad as those in Leeds, where I currently am, and the temperatures in Philadelphia also don’t get as cold as here, although snowfall seems much more common. Also, food you pretty much covered, although again the North has more traditional food, although you did say mainly London, etc. The rest was good though, well done.

    • Good point! My post was pretty London-centric because a) that’s where I lived and b) that’s where most people go on vacation.

      I haven’t spent much time in the North, but have been to Scotland in February and it was very cold.


  5. Pingback: “die” Deutschen and “the” British | English meets German

  6. Not bad, but we use miles in the UK, not kilometres. And black pudding IS vile but the rest of the breakfast is yummm!

  7. I agree with all of your points, especially about the food. Finding a good restaurant in London is no problem, and afternoon tea is really delicious and delightful.

  8. As being half English, and living in England all my life, I realised that some of this wasn’t true. Many people in England still have tea breaks, which might not include sandwiches, but is a very typical English tea. Some prefer tea bags, but many, and I mean many, people use loose-leaf tea with silver trays. Also, it is very foggy and rainy in England. In fact, I don’t think we’ve had good sun since last Summer.

  9. The stereotype of fog was, in fact, true up until the last century. This was especially the case in London, where the ‘smog’ (thick clouds of smoke and fog) caused the deaths of several people, prompting the push for a solution.

  10. Well i must edmit the tea and cakes in the afternoon is true ( i do that every afternoon at 4pm. However i am british and i have not got bad teeth, Are food is not bad and it does not rain all the time.
    Oh and by the way you mist one that some people call obsession for cats, scotch and power

  11. Melanie Marshall

    I find this article insulting as the British do not have bad teeth, An English man invented the toothbrush, so we have been cleaning our teeth longer than any other country. Look it up in the 50 greatest British inventions, also we have the NHS which means that we can have free dental treatment for unemployed people, children under 18 and pregnant women and all fillings in the front of your month are free in white, so if you put all of that together it would be impossible for us to have bad teeth. I know few people that have bad teeth and when you meet someone who does, you remember them as it is unusual, and they are often smokers.
    I have visited the US four times and the first three times I didn’t realize that the Americans hate us so much, by saying we have bad teeth and our food is terrible. We are not bombing your country, we don’t hate you although I am beginning to, OK BP split some oil but it wasn’t done on purpose, so why is there so much hatred towards the British?
    On my fourth visit to the USA I went around looking at people’s teeth and guess what they were even worst than the British among the poor American’s. OK when I think of the Osmonds family I do think of good teeth but they are singers who have their mouths open whist they are singing so maybe its important, and they have mainly Welsh and English ancestry, so it is not genetic. I think it is an obsession that the Americans have which is a bit mad, because unless you have a very large mouth not everyone can see your teeth. The article also said that Britain has got better since the 60s, I think quite the opposite.
    I don’t know why you think the British food it bad, we produce some of the greatest chefs and there is nothing better than a pub meal. I think that your country gives such large proportions and that is why there is so many very fat people in the USA, but you also have some very fit people too to be positive.

    • I dont think you read any of the post you are complaining about. Most of it is devoted to refuting negative stereotypes. You just wanted a place to ignorantly rant. Do it elsewhere next time.

      • Kinda ashamed they call themselves British, completely pointless and untrue rant. Anyway, pretty much all of what you said is accurate except from the food bit. Nearly every one of the foods you listed that you thought sounded unappetising are actually Scottish and not typically found in England, Wales, Northern Ireland; including Haggis, deep fried Mars bar, black/white pudding etc. Ngl though kidney (from steak and kidney Pie) is disgusting and because of this it’s more common that you’ll find something like steak and ale pie, fish and chips, gammon steak and eggs, steak and chips etc for a traditional ‘pub meal’. Also, having lived up North all my life I can confirm I have never experienced any kind of fog both up north or down south or London etc. The teeth thing is probably true but not quite on the scale most Americans thin!

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